W-Shaped Leg Brace for 10’ Skywalker trampoline model # 5F62985

W-Shaped Leg Brace for 10’ Skywalker trampoline model # 5F62985

Trampoline Mat for a Skywalker Trampoline 14X14 Square trampoline frame with 96 rings, measure across the frame before ordering, this mat has rounded corners, not a point in the corners

Trampoline Mat for a Skywalker Trampoline 14X14 Square trampoline frame with 96 rings, measure across the frame before ordering, this mat has rounded corners, not a point in the corners

Skywalker Trampolines Mat for an 8 X 14ft Rectangle Frame using 84, 7in springs (springs not included) (your trampoline should have 8 net poles, not 6)

was $149.99 Special Price $119.99
Fits Skywalker STRC1400, STJDR1400 your trampoline net should have 8 poles, not 6, if you have 6 poles, you need a different mat, SH7016 (This mat does not fit Upper Bounce 14 x 8 FT Rectangular Trampoline)
Availability: In stock

Trampoline mat for a 8X14 Rectangle Jump Mat w/ 84 V-Rings. Fits Skywalker STRC1400. Your trampoline should have 84, 7in springs and 8 enclosure poles. Mat measures about 144" x 72". Springs not included. If you trampoline has 6 poles, you need to search for SH7016 mat.

*This mat does not fit Upper Bounce 14 x 8 FT rectangular trampoline.

More Information
Manufacturer's Part Number 7031
Trampoline Shape Rectangle
Number of Springs 84
Spring Length 6.5in, 7in
Frame Size 8ft x 14ft